Why use Infrared Thermography ?
Infrared Thermography is a technique that is used to gather thermal information from any object or area by temperature and converting it into a visual image.
We use troubleshooting tools that can help you find and report equipment problems fast. That’s exactly what our Flir T4 Series thermographic camera does. It lets you see invisible heat caused by electrical resistance and mechanical wear early enough to help you head off expensive downtime and potential danger.
A bi-product of electricity and friction is heat, which varies depending on how much current or friction is present. When an appliance malfunctions, either mechanically or electronically, the normal working parameters of the components are altered, which often causes unwanted side-effects. The most obvious is an actual breakdown, the less obvious is an increase in heat to the affected areas. On complex systems this is often hard to locate. We use an infrared camera to identify areas under stress in machinery, installations or electrical equipment due to increases in working temperatures.
Find little problems before they become bigger problems with Thermographic Imaging
How does it work?
Infrared is an invisible portion of the light spectrum extending from 0.75 to 1000 microns. All objects warmer than absolute zero (0 Kelvin or -275.15°C) emit energy somewhere within that range. The warmer the object, the brighter we see it in our thermal camera. White is hotter, black is colder (AIRT). Thermal images can pick up heat loss or water damage due to the obvious changes in heat. Stud detection is also possible due to the heat difference in the wall panelling. The wide range of high-end IR cameras can see IR images between 1 and 5 miles away.